

What is Front-Running in Crypto?

**Front-running** is when someone exploits market information before it becomes public to gain an advantage in trading. In the world of cryptocurrency exchanges and all-in-one platforms, this can occur when a trader, bot, or other entity sees a transaction waiting to be processed and quickly places a similar order to capitalize on pending changes.

How Does Front-Running Work?

In crypto trading, transactions take time to be added to the blockchain. During this delay, if a trader notices a significant transaction that will impact the price of a cryptocurrency, they can act before the transaction is finalized. This is possible through tools that allow someone to view these pending transactions. The trader places an order that will be executed before the original transaction, benefiting from the upcoming price shift.

Examples of Front-Running

Imagine a large buy order for Bitcoin is placed and is yet to be processed. A front-runner may see this buy order and decide to buy Bitcoin immediately, anticipating a price increase. As soon as the large order processes, the price rises, and the front-runner can sell their holdings at a profit.

Why is Front-Running an Issue?

Front-running undermines market fairness and integrity. It allows certain traders to exploit information at the expense of ordinary traders, potentially distorting prices and harming trust in the markets.

How to Protect Against Front-Running?

Exchanges and platforms take steps to mitigate front-running by implementing security measures like private mempools or using technologies that obscure transaction details until they are finalized. As a trader, staying informed about the platform’s security features helps in making safer trading decisions.