Tax-Free Crypto Gains: How to Maximize Your Bitcoin and Ethereum Profits

22.07.2024 57 times read 0 Comments Read out

Bitcoin, Ethereum & Co: So kassieren Sie Ihre Gewinne steuerfrei

Börse Online provides a comprehensive guide on how to make tax-free profits with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The article explains that according to the German Federal Ministry of Finance's application letter from May 2022, gains made after holding coins for more than one year are completely tax-free.

The Bundesfinanzhof confirmed this taxation practice in February 2023 by classifying cryptocurrencies as "other economic goods." For sales within one year, the tax exemption limit has been increased from €600 to €1,000 per person annually. This means any gain under €999.99 remains untaxed; however, exceeding this amount incurs full taxes based on personal income rates.

Bitcoin rises to $68,000 and heads into another bullish week

wallstreet:online reports an impressive comeback for Bitcoin over the past two weeks. After briefly falling below $54,000 earlier this month due to panic selling triggered by Germany’s BKA liquidating $3 billion worth of Bitcoins, it has now surged back up to $68,000.

This bullish trend is expected to continue into next week with potential new all-time highs driven by upcoming events such as the introduction of Spot Ethereum ETFs and the Bitcoin 2024 Conference in Nashville featuring speakers like Donald Trump who might deliver market-moving news.

Biden is out – What's next for Bitcoin and the Dollar?

IG discusses President Joe Biden's announcement not to run for re-election in November via his social media channels Instagram, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter). Following this news, Bitcoin experienced a brief bearish reaction, dropping about 2.5%, but quickly stabilized at around $67k, again showing minimal impact overall during weekend trading sessions where Dow Jones also showed no significant movements while EUR/USD started slightly higher before facing initial sell-offs indicating possible USD recovery attempts ahead depending upon breaking support levels sustainably lower first.

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Article Summary

Börse Online explains how to make tax-free profits with cryptocurrencies in Germany, highlighting that gains after holding for over a year are untaxed and the annual exemption limit for shorter holdings is €1,000. Meanwhile, Bitcoin has surged back to $68,000 despite recent volatility and President Biden's announcement not to run for re-election had minimal impact on its price stability.